

Dental hygiene tips for healthy teeth & gums

How many hours a day do I need to wear Invisalign?

Your smile is almost everything about you, which is why a beautiful smile is the most desirable.

But as we get older, having braces can feel embarrassing, so there’s a high probability that we might not take the steps to achieve the smile of our dreams.

Now there’s Invisalign, a subtle and effective way to straighten teeth that can work very well and even better than conventional braces.

Learn about Invisalign

This treatment includes the patient wearing clear, simple aligners that, after some time, move their teeth into a straighter position.

The result is a more aesthetic and beautiful-looking smile. Unlike conventional braces, wearers don’t have to stress about any brackets or wires that could break, dig into the gums, or just look unappealing.

Several aligners are made, intended to be worn at different points in your treatment progress. Each one will further move your teeth into a straighter position until you have your dream smile.

How long do I need to wear Invisalign?

This particular treatment involves wearing clear aligners in your mouth that gradually is known to straighten your teeth.

To achieve optimal results, it is recommended to wear your Invisalign for between twenty and twenty-two hours every day.

This makes wearing them nice and straightforward. You can keep them in as you approach your day, just eliminating them to eat, drink, and clean your teeth.

Most people believe that it takes no time at all to forget they’re even wearing their aligners as they work, socialize, exercise, or even just have their leisure time at their place.

Schedule your appointment with a dentist today and get the treatment on time!