

Dental hygiene tips for healthy teeth & gums

Do teeth go yellow with Invisalign?

The world has witnessed tremendous advancements in orthodontic procedures and technologies. We have outgrown the traditional metal braces and moved towards convenient and clear aligners. Invisalign, the most popular aligner, has dominated the orthodontic scene.

Known as the most advanced transparent aligner system, Invisalign has improved more than 10 million people’s smiles so far. For the uninitiated, Invisalign is a teeth alignment treatment that includes wearing custom-made, clear, and removable aligners.

Will Invisalign make my teeth yellow?

Invisalign on its own will not stain your teeth. But you have to be careful with what you drink. Dark beverages such as wine, juice, coffee, etc., can potentially stain your teeth. Such beverages have intense pigment that can affect the enamel and stain your teeth.

If you prefer these beverages, remember to take your aligners out while drinking them, for not more than 30 minutes.

When wearing your aligners, you should only drink cold or room temperature water for best results. It will preserve your teeth and aligners, and will also help you flaunt a stainless smile.

How can I prevent teeth stains?

Stains are a risk associated with any orthodontic treatment. Traditional braces with wires and brackets can trap the food and make it arduous to remove the plaque. The braces cannot cause discoloration, but the residue, tartar, and plaque can if you are not dedicated to your oral hygiene.

Invisalign can stain with tartar, plague, and build up too, but can help you prevent those stains. Contrary to the traditional braces, you can completely remove the aligners. The removable design helps you floss and brush normally.

Tips to keep the teeth clean

You can avoid discoloration and stains if you are diligent enough to follow an oral hygiene routine. Make sure to:

  • Brush your teeth after meals.
  • Floss regularly.
  • Schedule dental cleanings.
  • Opt for professional teeth whitening.

Tips to keep aligners clean

Invisalign aligners can become stained. Smoking and food residue can expedite the staining. Make sure to:

  • Rinse your aligners every night.
  • Brush your aligners softly with a brush.
  • Use the Invisalign cleaning system to keep aligners clean.

Schedule your appointment with a dentist today and get the treatment on time!